Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I’ve been working. I answer phones, activate people’s cards, answer questions about their accounts, etc. I like this job, but it is taking its toll. Matt likes to stay up as late as possible. I don’t, but if I want to spend time with him, I have to stay up late. We get up at 6 to make it to work on time, and I’m used to sleeping until 9 or 10. (NOTE: 6-10 are the best hours because I used to get the bed all to myself!)
It’s funny because Matt says that I’ve been pretty good and haven’t been ornery or hormonal like the typical pregnant lady. I think it is because I was getting enough sleep. Now that I’m not, I notice that I have NO patience, I feel sick all the time, I feel like crying almost all the time, and I don’t want to do anything when I get home, so I leave dishes and laundry to the last moment. Dinner on time? Ha! Not since I started this job.
So I love working, and bringing in money and all, but it really is ruining my life outside of work. I don’t eat healthy because there isn’t time, and I could use the sugar boost. I don’t exercise because I don’t have time. My skin looks awful because I’m not eating right or working out. I feel like a big fat pig that gets noticeably bigger every day!!
Wow, it felt good to get all that out. Is there anything a naïve first timer can do?

1 comment:

  1. When I was pregnant with Silje, I was working. It made me physically ill to go to work. I was so stressed. I was the only one making money, so I felt like I had to go, but I wasn't eating right and my housekeeping certainly suffered. We talked, looked at our savings, and decided that I should quit. I felt better, I had more time to do things and was much happier! I felt like a useless lump sometimes, because I wasn't working, but we were much happier because I felt better. It was the right choice for us. I don't know what the right choice for you is. Matt can give you a blessing. That always seemed to help me! Good luck!
