So I am totally crushing, and I'll give you three guesses to who it is on.
No, it's not Taylor Latuner
Nope, not Shia Labeouf either
It's not even Brad Pitt
It's my husband!!
I realized that I've been crushing on my husband and here are the signs that prove it.
Clue #1: When he walks by me I can't help but stare, and admire him.
Clue #2: When he tells me he’ll be home soon, I get butterflies and really excited.
Clue #3: I try to look cute for him when he comes home.
Clue #4: When he leaves I feel sad.
Clue #5: I think of ways to make him happy all day. Ex: his favorite foods for dinner, folding his laundry, putting the TV on Sports Center, etc.
Clue #6: When I’m falling asleep or first waking up, I imagine us running away together (Lame I know, but true).
So I guess it’s a good thing that my crush is on someone that I get to have forever! I know this is a lame blog, but I can’t help that I am totally in love with my best friend and sweetheart!!
I’m pretty lucky.
Coming to a family near you...
8 years ago
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